1. Shut up. No talking, coughing, throat-clearing, make no audible noise while the music is playing. Just sit quietly, in the present, and feel the groove.
  2. You may talk quietly between songs, if the musicians aren’t saying anything to the crowd. (Jazz players don’t banter with the crowd, should not be an issue)
  3. No phone or other device usage. No texting, no photography, recording of any type.
  4. Nod your head in time with the music, even if you aren’t listening.
  5. Never turn your back on the stage.
  6. Do not shout out requests.
  7. If the music sounds bad, remember, its just your ignorance of the idiom, not the musician’s fault. It may be over your head, just don’t let on.
  8. Do not approach players between sets, give them space, they don’t want to hear about your cousin who plays guitar in a rock band.
  9. Clap politely after songs, don’t over-do it, it comes off fake.